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No respect: changing attitudes to hierarchy at work.

No respect: changing attitudes to hierarchy at work. Society is built around hierarchies. Families comprise hierarchies. Organisations definitely are organised around hierarchies. Without the acceptance that some people call the shots and therefore are inherently more ‘valuable’ than others, there would be anarchy according to most accepted wisdom.  Just as there needs to be order

No respect: changing attitudes to hierarchy at work. Read More »

Nowsville 5

Andrew Tate. Part 1

Listen to the Nowsville discussion! We talked about the report that made a link between  following  misogynist influencers like Tate and mainstream extremist thinking. In the first episode we talked about the attraction of Tate. For those not versed in his rhetoric, Tom reads out part of the Tate manifesto of women needing to spend

Andrew Tate. Part 1 Read More »

global conflict

Staying Focused at Work Despite Global Conflict

In an era characterised by conflict, it’s increasingly challenging to compartmentalise personal concerns about world events from professional responsibilities. Senior people in particular, often find themselves grappling with the tension between their deeply held values and the expectation of maintaining a neutral stance within their organisations. How can one effectively balance these two seemingly conflicting

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The intro to What's Happening to Work

So what’s changed about work?

Not many people working now were also working thirty years ago, but, for those that were, work has changed beyond recognition. Virtually gone are whole industries and sectors (for example coal mining, shorthand typists or textile production), replaced by waves of different roles in technology and the service sectors in the UK. As industries shrank

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What’s Happening to Work? Part 1

Introduction Welcome to the brave new world of work. ‘What’s Happening to Work?’ is a collection of observations about work, society and individuals, and how workplaces are stumbling through the most rapid evolution in living memory. In the not-so-distant past, the office was a land of cubicles, where coffee breaks were sacred and water cooler

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