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What Does Connection Mean Today?

“Connection.” It’s everywhere, or at least it feels like it should be. But how connected are we, really? I spoke to two people with different lives and experiences to find out what connection means to them and how they see it shaping our world. Snapshot 1: Elaine, 42, Freelance Designer, Living in the Countryside Elaine’s

What Does Connection Mean Today? Read More »

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When Luck is the Best Strategy: Why Embracing Uncertainty Can Beat Career Planning

By Franklin Zebb, Hermit-Guru, Unlikely Success, and Aspiring Life/Exec/Career Coach Hello, fellow travellers on this unpredictable journey called life. If you’re here expecting a carefully laid-out guide on how to plan your life or career, I must warn you—that’s not how I operate. Let me introduce myself properly: I’m Franklin Zebb, a man who has

When Luck is the Best Strategy: Why Embracing Uncertainty Can Beat Career Planning Read More »